
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Killing Us Softly with Images

This video was very eye opening to me. I have always seen ads like the ones she showed but never really paid much attention to the underlying messages of the images and the words. Aside from the images, what was a real shocker were the slogans that belittled and insulted woman. I just can't believe that companies, better yet people would allow these things to be published or even created. This shows that some of our morals have gone out the window. I was offended by some of these ads and I'm not even a woman so imagine how some of them might feel. Then again some of them might not even care. In reality some woman like being looked at or treated like objects whether it's for sex or just for show. This portrayal of woman as objects has been embedded in our minds. Women do it to each other and men do it to woman. When a person first meets someone the first thing they think of is looks. "She's cute! He's sexy! Look at his butt!, Look at her breast!" These are things that subliminally come to mind. So how do we get out of this mindset?

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