
Monday, November 21, 2011

Cybercitizenry: Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Image from iClipArt for Schools
Some say, "Ignorance is bliss" but not when it comes to CyberCitizenry. Cybercitizenry denotes a "citizen of the Internet" or a member of the "cybercommunity." Once you have an online presence, you cannot take it back. Many people do not know this and when someone does not know they have to get taught the do's and dont's of online behaviors and actions. This has to be a group effort when it pertains to students. has designed many curriculums that talk about Online Safety, Cyberbullying,etc. This is an awesome website to use when wanting to educate yourself and others about online behavior. In our class, we had to create an instructional program that pertains to Cybercitizenry.  Click here to see my instructional program.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Creating a 21st Century Classroom

Image from iClipart for Schools
Being that I do not have my own class to teach yet and investigate whether it fits in the 21st century classroom. I did the walkthrough on a class that I am taking now and the results weren't bad in terms of the checklist. I learned that there are many adjustments that instructors need to make to fit this checklist. Some are open to it but others are kind of stubborn in their ways. At the end of the day, Instructors/Teachers need to realize that this is how students are learning nowadays and the focus is the engagment of the student, not their comfort level. This checklist had may points that most people wouldn't think of implementing in their lessons and/or courses. Click here to view my MNW Walkthrough Form. Let's try "NOT" to make Benjamin Franklin feel right at home.